The Crazy World of Goodsoil Theatre

This Blog will hold the postings of all the Good Soil Theatre members that want a candid place to share their experiences while on tour

Saturday, March 17, 2007

God showed me

So lately I've really been struggling with the whole tour thing, I've literally been on the brink of packing my bags and just going home, it's been that bad. You see the truth of the matter is that Seeds really didn't have their stuff together when they sent us into the States and the team has been suffering the results of it thus far. Well it has come to the point where I've been looking really hard at coming home and just giving up on the whole tour thing because I've become sick of everything that has been going on, like the not being told what is happening, not knowing where we'll be in the next week, and not even knowing when or how we'll be arriving at home. The last two days we've been in Oakland at a Salvation Army church in the heart of Chinatown. We got to the church the other day and right away things weren't going well. We didn't have anywhere to park the vehicles, the captain (pastor) and the woman in charge of getting everything organised weren't even there, and the space that we had to set up in was extremely small. So right there I personally, as well as many others on the team were NOT in a good mood or spirit. So yesterday we did an afternoon show for a bunch of their after school kids that come in, that was ok, it wasn't our typical show at all as they really didn't get the whole HIV/AIDS thing and thus the play itself didn't seem to make that much sense to them. So needless to say the attitude of most of us had not changed much from the time we had first gotten there. Today I almost lost it. Mom mentioned to me that there were flights leaving out of San Fransisco on Monday for only $199 and that would take me right home. Well in my current mood and mindset this morning I was ready take that opportunity and be home come Tuesday morning. So I went and was talking to different people on the team, like Nicole and Kyle, as well as others. After talking to them I really hadn't changed my mind as to going home, I was still ready to be making a phone call to Reg after tonight's show and telling him that he needed to find someone else to fill my role as I was leaving because I had just had enough, and I wasn't going to take it anymore. When we got to the church for dinner tonight Shambra pulled me aside and had a talk with me about where I was standing on everything that had been happening in the past few days. I told him straight up that I had had enough of this and I wanted to go home. Well he challenged me on that and asked me to look at where my heart was with it and just tried his best to encourage me. I have to be honest however and say that though I did take what he said to heart, I still had it made up in my mind that I wasn't going to stay. I was still going to go home on Monday. The show went by uneventfully and I really felt that the people of the church really didn't quite get it, boy was I wrong. After Dave did his appeal, the captain got up and said quite a bit to the congregation in Chinese. They then asked all of us to come to the front, and they thanked us profusely, and then they gave us all gift bags. At this I lost it and started to well up inside, and it even brought tears to my eyes and continues to do so as I type, I mean I didn't deserve this at all. My attitude has REALLY stunk lately, and here these people were feeling soo blessed by the ministering that we had done that they wanted to express that through giving us all something special. I couldn't, and still can't, understand why God chose to bless me and the team in this way. But it has made me think about where I am on the whole continuing the tour or not. I thought about the missionaries in the times of the writing of the Bible. I thought about Paul, when he was going around in his travels. He came up against many places that didn't want him at all, he most likely came into a place or two where they didn't know who he was or what he was doing there. The same as what we've been facing this last month or so. We've come into towns where they didn't want us, we went to a Church in Reno where they had been trying to cancel on us that very day. We've come into almost every place with them not knowing fully who we were, or what we were about, and what we were doing. But the thing is that we are missionaries right now to the United States of America, and as missionaries we have to be expecting hardships. I have thought that we weren't in the will of God anymore with this tour, but something that Shambra told me stuck tonight, if we truly were out of God's will in this, then He will end it, there will be NOTHING that we can do to make it go on any longer. Well I have come to a new conclusion, or outlook on the tour if you will. I am just going to take it one day at a time and let God handle this. There's nothing else that I can do, I'm a missionry of the Lord and I won't quit on Him. That's the thing, I've been thinking about the human aspect of it too much, I've been soo focused on the mess that our leaders at Seeds Int. have made and put us in, that I forgot momentarily who I'm really here for, and I'm here for God, and I'm here for Him as long as He'll allow me to, not a moment longer, not a moment less. That's all I have to say right now about this, I just want to ask all my familly and friends that read this that you will please keep us all in prayer as we struggle daily to keep trusting in God for the remainder of this tour, but pray that we will also have the knowledge that this is where God has placed us, and that if it is to end early, He will pull us out, it's nothing we can do, it's all about Him and the glory of His holy name.

Monday, November 27, 2006

The road home and lessons learned

ok...well here I am with only one week left until Christmas break for the tour with Good Soil Theatre Company, and ya know what...I won't say that I'm not looking forward to going home for a bit right now...I mean I love everyone on the team and I'll miss them over Christmas, they've become like family to me, but I really can't wait to see my friends again that I haven't seen since I's not like I've been gone more than anyone in College or University, but at least when you're in one of them you get the chance to go home from time to time and see people right, well on tour you don't really have that luxury...and then there's as my MSN name says, "You never know who you'll miss, until you miss them for real"....I miss people back home that I either didn't think I would miss, or didn't think that I would miss this much....but enough of that...I really am having an awesome time here on tour, I'm learning SOOO much about God and I'm actually starting to figure out who I am....I've struggled with that lately, not knowing who I am, but I'm starting to get some insight into that's soo cool to see how God can work in your life when you just take time to let Him....I think I figured out why people get frustrated when looking for God to work in their see soo often we sit in our rooms at night after a long day or whatever amd we say to God "Why aren't you helping me here, what do you have in store for me?", or "God please show me why this is happening and where you want me to go, and who I am in you"....but then we get up the next morning and go on with our lives and everytime we come against something, instead of looking at it as something God may be putting in our paths for a reason we try to tackle it on our own and simply get upset with God because He's just thrown something else into our paths....well I've learned something by being on tour here, you see when you're moving around all the time, with the same people 24/7, it gets emotionally, physically, and spiritually draining, and you resort to the only thing that you have to count on, and that's God and His everlasting mercy....I've learned that all I have to do is sit back and reflect on something that's happening in my day, and low and behold, God's constantly there to offer an answer or some form of help...I've received that through many different means such as fasting and prayer on tour, but the most "popular" way that God has been using is those that surround me, the ones that I have become very close with, my tourmates here on the road....guys if you read this I love everyone of you, and I thank God constantly for who you are and for having the priveledge (spelling?) of living with you guys, thanks guys, and I hope that God uses me in your lives even half as much as He's used you in mine, cause if that happens then I'll have been used in a great way....well I guess that's all for now....I'll write more later...ciao

Friday, October 06, 2006

A Poem


I've never made a fortune, and it's probably too late now.
But I don't worry about that much, I'm happy anyhow.

And as I go along life's way,
I'm reaping better than I sowed.
I'm drinking from my saucer,
'Cause my cup has overflowed.

Haven't got a lot of riches,
and sometimes the going's tough.
But I've got loving ones all around me,
and that makes me rich enough.

I thank God for his blessings,
and the mercies He's bestowed.
I'm drinking from my saucer,
'Cause my cup has overflowed.

I remember times when things went wrong,
My faith wore somewhat thin.
But all at once the dark clouds broke,
and the sun peeped through again.

So Lord, help me not to gripe,
about the tough rows I have hoed.
I'm drinking from my saucer,
'Cause my cup has overflowed.

If God gives me strength and courage,
When the way grows steep and rough.
I'll not ask for other blessings,
I'm already blessed enough.

And may I never be too busy,
to help others bear their loads.
Then I'll keep drinking from my saucer,
'Cause my cup has overflowed.

When I think of how many people
in this world have it worse than I do.
I realize just how blessed most of us really are.

God Bless You All - Emily

Thursday, September 28, 2006

To be famous and buy a new GPS!

Jen and I missed a lifetime opportunity that we're regretting. In Fort St. James we met up with this scruffy older Native guy who we started casually talking to, then getting to the point, he asked us if we were married! Awkward paus.."nope we're nuns, married to God!" Jen says. He was really dissapointed because he claimed to be worth 6 million dollars and ready to make us famous! Then inviting him to the show we walked away..quickly! I guess we'll be poor and and old maids for the rest of our lives! Oh well!

So that's my first story, hopefully they'll get better. The drives alone are interesting with everyone's idea of getting there and the "ultimate GPS" somehow always being wrong! But it's ok as long as you're in the truck or turn up your own music! No bad billets yet, only interesting food! Today was the best lunch ever! I felt like I walked into a five-star hotel! With white tablecloths, silverware, fine china and cater-like foods! We decided not to leave this church for the other Terrace church! The tour ends here!! Not, but this blog does! Have Fun!!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Moose Meat Stew and Bear Sausages

Moose Meat Stew and Bear Sausages

So here we are in our third week of the drama tour with Good Soil Theatre Company. So far we have been all over BC and are now residing in Kitimat, BC. We've been in places as populous as Vancouver, Canyon Heights Church as well as the Round House Theatre, as well as places as middle of nowhere such as Logan Lake, the town in which the "mall" consisted of a bottle drop off and a run down dollar store lawl. So far our tour has taken us from the start at Summit Pacific College in Abbotsford, to the Round House Theatre in Vancouver for the Seeds Int Gala, to Burnett Fellowship in Maple Ridge (Emily's Home Church), to Logan Lake (aka middle of nowhere BC lawl), to 100 Mile House, to Williams Lake, to Ft St James (where Emily, Jen, Brendan and I accidentaly got a free tour of the fort lawl), then to Smithers (where I was offered work if I ever decided to move out there), and now we are here in Kitimat. I never thought that the tour could be like this, I am seeing soo much country and meeting people that I would never have the chance to meet if I didn't do this.

The team is amazing. There are ten of us in total. Dave and Nancy Seiling are our road managers as well as actors in both plays from Elmira, ON. Shambra and Kelly Pellum, both actors, are from South Carolina and are currently on their honeymoon with us, not my idea of a fun honeymoon, but to each their own lawl. Kyle Kennedy, an actor, from Kitchener, ON. Brendan Greek, our lighting tech, from Abbotsford, BC. Jen Amorin, our video tech, from Ontario (sorry Jen I forgot your home town girl). Emily Robb, an actress, from Maple Ridge, BC. And then there's me, Nick Campbell from Sarnia, ON (or Forest if I'm at mom and dad's house lawl). I can't believe how ten people from all different walks of life are able to come together and mold as well as we ten have. It's totally a God thing. He has brought each of us here from different backgrounds, but all with a passion to see His kingdom expanded through our ministry. I think of the relationships that have already begun to form here. Kyle and Brendan are two guys who I am very thankful to have found myself rooming with for the most part as we have developed a friendship already that enable us to talk freely to one another about just about anything. It's a total blessing to have that kind of relationship as I have left some people back home that I had that same thing with and it is hard to not be with those people. Although I just mentioned in more detail about those two guys don't for an instant think that I don't value others here on the team just as much. There are those that challenge me in who I am in Christ, those who make me smile when I'm having a rough day, and those who are simply a pure joy to be around day in and day out. Some of the team even have two or more of those qualities. So you guys on the team who read this, THANK YOU for being who you are.

We have had some interesting times though here on tour. Meals are always a fun one, you never really know what to expect. At Canyon Heights Church, we had Sushi, which for me was ok becasue I love california rolls. In Ft St John we had Moose Meat Stew, the moose meat itself wasn't too bad, but the broth was a little iffy lawl. Now here in Kitimat we just finshed off some Bear Sausages, we weren't told about what kind of meat it was until after we had eaten it, but it was some of the best sausage that I have ever eaten. We have also seen some incredible sights. We saw Lynn Canyon in North Vancouver, we saw Twin Falls in Smithers, and the roads that we've driven on have held some of the most beautiful scenery ever. The mountains that have constantly surrounded us as we drive are incredible. There have been some great laughs throughout the tour and training camp as well. We all have a great sense of humour and it's soo much fun and makes for easier days when we are able to laugh with each other on the road and during set up and tear down.

Oh yes, set up and tear down. We travel with a 24" trailer pulled by a massive pickup truck and an RV as well. We carry our own stage and equipment. Now the stage itself is a 36" by 8" stage that is divided up into sections of 4" by 8". We also have all our boxes that hold our lights, light stands, sand bags, props, costumes, speakers, sound and light boards, curtains, and oodles of cable. I'm sure that I've missed something there, but there's soo much that we carry around it's pretty hard to keep up with it all. Basically we have to all keep track of our own boxes, if we didn't it would be utter chaos. But yeah we pack that 24" foot trailer full and unpack it almost EVERYDAY. It's a lot of work but we're getting better at it, and to tell the truth, lifting all that crud is one of my favorite parts of the day lawl. Hey it's a good work out ok lawl.

But yeah today marks the third week of our "tour" although I've now been in BC for more than a month. But God has been great to each one of us, and He's shown me soo much about who I am in Him, and who I am in this world. I am a vessel of truth, a beacon of light, we all are here on this tour, but God's really shown that to me lately. It's soo humbling to know that God's chosen to us me out of all the other qualified people on this planet that could be doing this other than me. I thank Him for this opportunity that He's given to me to bless and minister to quite possibly thousans of people around North America. And I just want to through out one more word here before I sign off. To all of you guys on the team who will see this I have a word for each one of you.

Dave, thank you for your tireless leadership, we see a lot of what you do for this ministry, but I know that's only half of the work you really do, so I thank you and pray blessings abounding on you for that.

Nancy, you are a wonderful woman of God, and you're like a mother to each of us here on the road, you do soo much for us and often times it goes unnoticed, but I want to thank you and ask God to bless you for you servant heart.

Shambra, you're our gentle giant big guy, many people that we come across may see you as intimidating, but I know the heart that's behind your outter physique, it's a heart that beats strong for God and His kingdom, may God bless you for your efforts and your heart for Him.

Kelly, girl you're awesome, the way that you give and give in your acting in order that you may be the best that you can be for the God and to further this ministry, God sees your heart girl, and I know that He is smiling down on you for the way that you're giving all you have to this.

Nicole, you have a heart that is unique girl, you can see that you love God and that you are soo passionate about who you are in Him, you push soo hard in your acting, and you are going to be blessed ten fold for your perseverance and dedication, even though your southern body doesn't really like our Canadian weather.

Kyle, you are soo encouraging to me man, the way that you seek God's face in all you do, the way that you strive to further yourself in who you are in Him in order to further the Kingdom of God, Kyle I ask God to bless you soo much for the work that you do in set up, tear down, acting, and just the way you are in your everyday life, thank you Kyle.

Jen, you have one of the gentlest hearts that I know, you are always there to laugh with or to make someone else smile everyday, I don't know how other than the grace of God you do it girl, but you too are an encouragment to me on the road, thank you Jen, God bless and keep your spirit strong through all that you will face here on the road and after in life as well.

Brendan, I can't think of a time that I have spent with you that I haven't been able to laugh with you, yet go from that to seriousness in an instant if it's needed, you are awesome man, and a huge lifter of my spirit thus far on the road.

Emily, you are soo awesome, you may be the youngest on the team, but the way that God shines through you blows my mind girl, my fondest memories of this tour so far have been the couple of times where we have talked about life and God and being able to see your wisdom and insight that you have already gained in your walk with Christ, you too are such an encouragement and I look forward with gladness to getting to know you better over the next nine months, keep on striving to know God better amd I look forward to more talks about what we both have learned as well as just getting to know you.

To each one of you guys on the team I want to say thank you for being who you are in Christ, and though we are all at different levels in our spiritual journey, and we are all at different points in our lives, I thank God that I have had the privelege to know each of you. God Bless you all, and all others who read this know that our God is AWESOME and that through Him even a wretch like me can know what real life is all about and what true love is. It's found in Jesus Christ the King, the one who gives strength to the weak, riches to the poor, and life to the dead.

Monday, August 28, 2006

first post!


post about anything on here in relation to seeds!

get ready for fun times like these! (picture below)