The Crazy World of Goodsoil Theatre

This Blog will hold the postings of all the Good Soil Theatre members that want a candid place to share their experiences while on tour

Monday, November 27, 2006

The road home and lessons learned

ok...well here I am with only one week left until Christmas break for the tour with Good Soil Theatre Company, and ya know what...I won't say that I'm not looking forward to going home for a bit right now...I mean I love everyone on the team and I'll miss them over Christmas, they've become like family to me, but I really can't wait to see my friends again that I haven't seen since I's not like I've been gone more than anyone in College or University, but at least when you're in one of them you get the chance to go home from time to time and see people right, well on tour you don't really have that luxury...and then there's as my MSN name says, "You never know who you'll miss, until you miss them for real"....I miss people back home that I either didn't think I would miss, or didn't think that I would miss this much....but enough of that...I really am having an awesome time here on tour, I'm learning SOOO much about God and I'm actually starting to figure out who I am....I've struggled with that lately, not knowing who I am, but I'm starting to get some insight into that's soo cool to see how God can work in your life when you just take time to let Him....I think I figured out why people get frustrated when looking for God to work in their see soo often we sit in our rooms at night after a long day or whatever amd we say to God "Why aren't you helping me here, what do you have in store for me?", or "God please show me why this is happening and where you want me to go, and who I am in you"....but then we get up the next morning and go on with our lives and everytime we come against something, instead of looking at it as something God may be putting in our paths for a reason we try to tackle it on our own and simply get upset with God because He's just thrown something else into our paths....well I've learned something by being on tour here, you see when you're moving around all the time, with the same people 24/7, it gets emotionally, physically, and spiritually draining, and you resort to the only thing that you have to count on, and that's God and His everlasting mercy....I've learned that all I have to do is sit back and reflect on something that's happening in my day, and low and behold, God's constantly there to offer an answer or some form of help...I've received that through many different means such as fasting and prayer on tour, but the most "popular" way that God has been using is those that surround me, the ones that I have become very close with, my tourmates here on the road....guys if you read this I love everyone of you, and I thank God constantly for who you are and for having the priveledge (spelling?) of living with you guys, thanks guys, and I hope that God uses me in your lives even half as much as He's used you in mine, cause if that happens then I'll have been used in a great way....well I guess that's all for now....I'll write more later...ciao


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